This story was produced in collaboration with the Food & Environment Reporting Network, an investigative journalism non-profit focusing on food, agriculture and environmental health.
By now there has been a steady stream of news about climate change’s
impacts on food production. Heat waves, drought, and wildfire are
damaging harvests in California, Australia and Brazil. Warming and
acidifying oceans threaten seafood stocks. Rising temperatures are
causing declines in crops as different as wheat and cherries, while
extreme precipitation and floods have destroyed crops across the US and
Europe. Increasing temperatures and CO2 levels are reducing the nutritional value of grasses and increasing heat stress, in the process impairing animals’ ability to produce eggs, meat, and milk.
At the same time, climate change is also beginning to disrupt another
key aspect of food security: how food gets to market. The same effects
that are hurting food production – storm surges, floods, and other
extreme weather events all around the world – are also highlighting the
vulnerability of food distribution systems that rely on
long-distance transportation, centralized wholesale markets, and the
often concentrated food production sources.
Farmers everywhere are getting used to the idea of a very different
future as they deal with changing patterns of precipitation,
temperature, and soil conditions. “Like a lot of growers, I was a little
bit in denial, hoping the climate was not changing,” says Elizabeth
Ryan, who owns and operates Breezy Hill Orchard, which grows apples in New York’s Hudson Valley. Now, she says, “we’re seeing acute weather swings” and “hail that used to be episodic and occasional is now frequent.”
That the US produces such a massive volume of food does not mean that
food security here is invulnerable to climate change, says Diana
Donlon, director of the non-profit Center for Food Safety’s Cool Foods Campaign.
By way of proof, she points to huge losses that resulted when Hurricane
Irene hit Vermont in 2011 and the epic 2013 floods in Colorado. Donlon
also notes that in economically developing countries an estimated 40
percent of all food waste already occurs because of problems associated
with getting food to market. Recent studies suggest that solving these
distribution issues will be key to maintaining adequate food supplies as
climate changes. According to Nevin Cohen, a professor of food policy
at The New School in New York City: “The food system as a whole is being
disrupted by climate change.”
Read story in full here.
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