Change is created by turning points. Whether through evolution or
revolution, turning points in history have changed the way we think,
move, communicate, live.
We are at a turning point now.
A decisive hour when a historical event occurs, when a decision must be
made, when we have understood that the consequences of the past need us
to intentionally and decisively redefine the future.
The latest session of the climate change negotiations took place last week,
and while I work in this process to support the governments of the
world to adopt a legally-binding climate agreement, we should remember
that international negotiations don’t cause change, they mark it. The
change has already been happening in the “real economy” through a series
of mutually reinforcing and increasingly powerful drivers:
• Science has warned that fossil fuels cannot all be burnt if we are to avoid catastrophic climate change. This is changing how investors and shareholders think about risk and whether they are exposed to values that will become stranded. The divestment movement has grown to $2.6tn as capital shifts towards lower risk opportunities.
• The insurance industry is waking up to the uninsurability of uncontrolled climate change, leading to stark warnings, notably by Mark Carney, chair of the Financial Stability Board, that disclosure of risk and risk management has to increase quickly.
• Demand for fossil fuels may be waning.
Health impacts from coal are of increasing concern, especially in China
but increasingly in India. Glencore, one of the world’s largest coal
producers, has lost 87% of market valuation since flotation in 2011.
Arctic drilling contracts are being cancelled.
• The destabilising impact of climate
change is complicating and worsening national and international security
problems, as unpredictable weather events and reduced access to water
and energy lead to unrest and even conflict. With indications that climate change is igniting conflict in the Middle East and elsewhere, the catalytic effect of unaddressed climate change is becoming ever more clear.
The moral imperative to act is growing. Major faith groups are openly
and strongly supporting holistic, equitable, but above all, ambitious
climate action. Pope Francis’ Encyclical and the Islamic Declaration on Climate Change are just two of the many calls for stewardship of the global common good.
• Technology is opening new horizons.
Costs of installed solar in the US have dropped from $77/watt (£50/watt)
in 1977 to $0.60/watt today. On the back of this, renewable energy has
boomed. In 2013, for the first time, more renewable energy capacity was
installed than fossil fuel power plants (143 gigawatts (GW) to 141GW).
The estimates made by the International Energy Agency in 2000 for the
amount of solar that would be deployed in 2015 was underestimated by more than 18 times, and the renewables industry is just getting started.
The net result is a world ready for change.
Political will has arrived: the 196 countries in the UN negotiations
are committed to achieving an ambitious global climate agreement. There
is remarkable leadership from many countries, best seen through the 146
national climate plans put forward by nations covering more than 86% of
emissions. This is the beginning of a blueprint for our future.
Over the next eight weeks, until the conclusion of the Paris climate summit, I will be writing a series of blogposts
in which I will explore the ways in which the world has reached the
critical turning points that are finally enabling us to come together to
manage the systemic threat of climate change and create a future that
is made brighter by the economic, moral and political choices we are
collectively now deciding to take.
We will look back at this moment as a moment of remarkable
transformation, as the indisputable turning point of this century. Let
us open our eyes now and see it as it happens.
By Cristiana Figueres @ TheGuardian
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