quarta-feira, 30 de abril de 2014

40 Years of Geophysical Research Letters

AGU is commemorating 40 years of GRL with a special open access anniversary collection. The 40-article issue, carefully complied by GRL’s editors, showcases the ground-breaking research consistently published in GRL

GRL 40th Anniversary Special Collection
GRL 40th Anniversary Special Collection
Description: Choosing 40 papers to represent 40 years of the many scientific disciplines published in GRL proved a challenge. This collection of cutting-edge scientific papers published 1974-2013 were culled from a list of 1,000 cited papers. Through a nomination process by former and current GRL editors, the list was brought down to 120, then to the final 40. The papers cross all GRL disciplines and publishing timeframes. The editors are pleased with this final list and the quality of papers.

GRL by the words

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