sexta-feira, 21 de março de 2014

Palestra em Ciências Climáticas na UFRN

Warming and wetting signals emerging from analysis of changes in climate extreme indices over South América 

Javier Sigró
Coordinator of the Master Program and the Centre for Climate Change (C3), Department of Geography, University Rovira i Virgili   

27/03 (quinta-feira) das 15:00 às 17:00 hs
Anfiteatro A do CCET 

Here we show and discuss the results of an assessment of changes in both area-averaged and station-based climate extreme indices over South America (SA) for the [WINDOWS-1252?]1950–2010 and [WINDOWS-1252?]1969–2009 periods using high-quality daily maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation series. A weeklong regional workshop in Guayaquil (Ecuador) provided the opportunity to extend the current picture of changes in climate extreme indices over SA. Our results provide evidence of warming and wetting across the whole SA since the mid-20th century onwards. Nighttime (minimum) temperature indices show the largest rates of warming (e.g. for tropical nights, cold and warm nights), while daytime (maximum) temperature indices also point to warming (e.g. for cold days, summer days, the annual lowest daytime temperature), but at lower rates than for minimums. Both tails of night-time temperatures have warmed by a similar magnitude, with cold days (the annual lowest nighttime and daytime temperatures) seeing reductions (increases). Trends are strong and moderate (moderate to weak) for regional-averaged (local) indices, most of them pointing to a less cold SA during the day and warmer night-time temperatures. 

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