quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2013

Seminário: Modelagem Matemática de Sistemas Complexos

Complexity Science and the Role of Mathematical Modeling
Prof. Tassos Bountis

Department of Mathematics
Center for Research and Applications of Nonlinear    Systems
University of Patras, Patras 26500 GREECE

                  LOCAL:  Auditório do DFTE - UFRN
                     DATA: 10 de maio de 2013 às 10 horas


       In the last 3 decades, we have witnessed an explosive scientific activity worldwide aiming to understand, predict and hopefully control complex systems of great physical, biological, technological and social importance. These systems typically consist of a multitude of interacting components, yet exhibit a wealth of collective phenomena of self – organization, pattern formation and phase transitions that cannot be explained simply by analyzing their individual parts. In this lecture, I will discuss the fundamental concepts of what has come to be known as Complexity Science, emphasizing the importance of mathematical models and what they have taught us about some basic principles of complex systems occurring in many sciences. In particular, I will concentrate on some examples of such models that our group in Patras has developed in recent years and which have interesting physical, biological and technological applications. 

Um comentário:

  1. Could/Will this be webcasted?
    It looks so interesting, I would like to watch.
    Thank you!
