#MudançasClimáticas #PopulaçãoMundial #Risco
In the year 2100, 2 billion people—about one-fifth of the world’s population—could become refugees due to rising ocean levels. Those who once lived on coastlines will face displacement and resettlement bottlenecks as they seek habitable places inland.
“We’re going to have more people on less land and sooner that we
think,” says lead author Charles Geisler, professor emeritus of
development sociology at Cornell University.
“The future rise in global mean sea level probably won’t be
gradual. Yet few policy makers are taking stock of the significant
barriers to entry that coastal climate refugees, like other refugees,
will encounter when they migrate to higher ground.
Earth’s escalating population is expected to top 9 billion people
by 2050 and climb to 11 billion people by 2100, according to a United
Nations report. Feeding that population will require more arable land
even as swelling oceans consume fertile coastal zones and river deltas,
driving people to seek new places to dwell.
https://t.co/3sPQSGX5yh #climate https://t.co/V4VR8LSQk4"
Via @wef - World Economic Forum
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