Some will be luckier than others when it comes to climate change. The effects of a climate change on me will depend on where I live. In some regions, changes may not be as noticeable as in others. So what are the impacts in my region?
In other understand the local impacts of a climate change, I need to address the question of how I can calculate the regional response from a global change perspective. This is called ‘downscaling‘.
Regional and local climate aspects are computed, based on different climate models, statistical analyses, empirical data, and assumptions. The choice of calculation method varies from case to case, and depends on what I want to know and how I think a local climate change will affect me.
These days, questions about local and regional climate change, as well as methods and climate models, are discussed at the International Conference on Regional Climate – CORDEX2013(Brussels, 4-7 November, 2013). The major theme of this conference is the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX).
For those who want to follow the news about regional climate modelling efforts, there is a live streaming at the conference website, and through twitter with hash tag ‘#CORDEX2013‘, you can take part in the discussions (please indicate to whom you address your questions).
The conference is organised by the European Commission, the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). However, most of the high-level talks will take place at the first day, and the subsequent three days will be devoted to the real climate scientists.
Source/Fonte: RealClimate blog
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